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Touro Berlin has a wide variety of research programs, such as Project Response and more. Take a look at our research work!



Respond! Nein zu Judenhass im Netz!

Poland under German Occupation. A handbook

Raphael Lemkins „Axis Rule in Occupied Europe“ – a commented German edition







  • Buhin, L. & Moskovits, J. (accepted). Respect, reflect, revise: Teaching multicultural competencies in a globalized undergraduate classroom. In B. Wolf, T. Schmohl, L. Buhin-Krenek, L., & M. Stricker (eds.), Innovative Teaching Practices in Internationalized Higher Education, publication series TeachingXchange, wbv Media.


  • Crawford, B. (submitted).  Come to the Table: memory and recuperation in recent Jewish American food writing. New American Studies Journal. 


  • Crawford, B.  (in print). The liberal arts approach to higher education: a case for the humanities. In B. Wolf, T. Schmohl, L. Buhin-Krenek, L., & M. Stricker (eds.), Innovative Teaching Practices in Internationalized Higher Education, publication series TeachingXchange, wbv Media.


  • Fahrner, M., Lüdecke, H. & Wolf, B. (in print). Untersuchung des Einflusses der sokratischen Methode auf Kompetenzzuwachs bei diverser Studierendenschaft. In T. Schmohl (ed.), Hochschuldidaktische Begleitforschung. Bielefeld: transcript. 


  • Guillery, Reiners, Fahrner, Enge, Hellweg, Kunte & Kronenberg (submitted). The switching process from buprenorphine sublingual tablets to the monthly buprenorphine subcutaneous depot injection in opioid dependent patients. An examination of patient´s perception of the treatment switching process from oral buprenorphine sublingual tablets to monthly subcutaneous buprenorphine depot injection. Journal Addiction Biology.


  • Klein, P. & Crawford, B. (in print). Holocaust communication and tolerance: application-oriented pedagogy in the changing medium of Holocaust remembrance and Holocaust Studies. In B. Wolf, T. Schmohl, L. Buhin-Krenek, L., & M. Stricker (eds.), Innovative Teaching Practices in Internationalized Higher Education, publication series TeachingXchange, wbv Media.


  • OdaÄŸ, Ö. (submitted). Wahrgenommener Realismus. [Perceived Realism]. In C. Wünsch, H. Schramm, V. Gehrau, & H. Bilandzic (eds.), Handbuch Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung [Handbook reception and effects].


  • OdaÄŸ, Ö. & Moskovits, J. (submitted). We are not a virus! Effects of anti-Asian hate online during the COVID-19 pandemic on Asian-heritage individuals in Europe. Ethnic and Racial Studies special issue: The political representation of minoritized groups during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Wolf, B., Fahrner, M., & Schmieder, C. (in print). Teaching and Learning in Times of the Social Distancing – Synchronous lecture formats and student competences. In B. Wolf, T. Schmohl, L. Buhin-Krenek, L., & M. Stricker (Eds.), Innovative Teaching Practices in Internationalized Higher Education, publication series TeachingXchange, wbv Media.


  • Wolf, B., Schmohl, T., Buhin-Krenek, L., & Stricker, M. (eds.) (in print), Innovative Teaching Practices in Internationalized Higher Education. Publication series TeachingXchange, wbv Mediam, in print.



  • Erdem-Möbius, H., OdaÄŸ, Ö. & Anders, Y. (2022). The Interplay of Ethnocultural Identity and Language: Perceptions and Experiences of Turkish Immigrant Mothers in Home–School–Society Relational Spaces. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. 


  • Lehnstaedt, S. (2022). Das Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs und seine Folgen im östlichen Europa. Konkurrierende Erinnerungen in Polen. In M. Fata & O. Spiridon (eds.), Das Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges und seine Folgen im Donauraum (pp. 125-132). Tübingen: IdGL. 


  • Lehnstaedt, S. (2022). Polen. Völkermord als Politik. In W. Benz (ed.), Deutsche Herrschaft. Nationalsozialistische Besatzung in Europa und die Folgen (pp. 119–138), Freiburg: Herder.


  • Lehnstaedt, S. & Brewing, D. (2022). Begriffspolitik. Zur Wiederentdeckung von Raphael Lemkins Genozidkonzept in Polen. Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung, 20, 85-106.


  • OdaÄŸ, Ö, UluÄŸ, Ö, Maganic, M. & Kanık, B. (2022). Exploring collective action motivations and the mobilizing role of social media: A comparative interview study with activists in Germany and Turkey. Journal of Political Psychology.


  • Stricker, M., Wolf, B., (2022), Gemeinnützige Organisationen.  WISU – Das Wirtschaftsstudium – Zeitschrift für Ausbildung, Prüfung, Berufseinstieg und Fortbildung, 02/2022, 161-163.


  • Theiss-Abendroth P. (2022). Die traumatische Psychose in der britischen Militärpsychiatrie des Ersten Weltkriegs. In: T. Müller & C. Prüter-Schwarte (eds.), Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Nervenheilkunde 28, (pp. 221-239). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.


  • Wolf, B. (2022), Eine Analyse synchroner Vorlesungsformate in den Studiengängen Soziale Arbeit und Pädagogik der Kindheit. In L. Kolhoff (ed.). Aktuelle Diskurse in der Sozialwirtschaft IV. Springer VS.


  • OdaÄŸ, Ö. & Mittelstädt, A. (2023). Mixed Methods in Research on the Psychology of the Internet and Social Media (POISM). Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 24(1), Art. 18.


  • Schneider, F. M., Knop-Huelss, K., Kim, J., Buhin, L., Gröning, M., Umel, A. & OdaÄŸ, Ö. (2023). What role does media entertainment play in emerging adults’ political identity and engagement across cultures? International Journal of Communication, 17.


  • Arant, R. Hanke, K., Mittelstädt, A. Pennington, R, & OdaÄŸ, Ö. (2023). The role of media use in political mobilization: A comparison of free and restrictive countries. International Journal of Communication,17.




  • Klippstein, A. P., Mätzschker, E. C., Boichenko, M., Peterson, S., Nuti, M., Devon, C., Merlin-Cederic, L.E.W.II (2021). The pandemic and its impact on the capital market. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business, 15, 36-48. 


  • Lehnstaedt, S. (2021). Aktion Reinhardt – Sources, Research and Commemoration in the last 30 years. Témoigner. Entre histoire et mémoire, 132, 62-70.


  • Lehnstaedt, S. (2021). Vergessene Schuld, verweigerte Sühne? Die Deutschen und der Umgang mit den Verbrechen im besetzten Polen. In S. Lehnstaedt (ed.), Schuld ohne Sühne? Deutschland und die Verbrechen in Polen im Zweiten Weltkrieg, (pp. 7-20). Berlin: Metropol Verlag


  • Lehnstaedt, S. (2021). Im Angesicht der Vernichtung. Handlungsoptionen von Jüdinnen und Juden 1942-43. In C.-M. Dolff, J. Gehrke & C. Studt (eds.), „Mit jedem Leben, das wir retten, bekämpfen wir Hitler!“ Jüdischer Widerstand und der Widerstand und die Juden (pp. 49-71). Augsburg 


  • Lehnstaedt, S.  (2021) A Land without Quislings”. Collaboration in Poland. In M. Bitunjac & J. H. Schoeps (eds.), Complicated Complicity. European Collaboration with Nazi Germany during World War II (pp. 53-67), Berlin: De Gruyter.


  • OdaÄŸ, Ö (2021). How universal is media entertainment, really? On the enriching potential of cross-cultural approaches for existing entertainment scholarship. In P. Vorderer & Klimmt, C. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Entertainment Theory, (pp.102-122). New York: Oxford University Press.


  • OdaÄŸ, Ö., UluÄŸ, M. Ö., & Ünal, H. (2021). Identity dynamics among left-leaning, politically active Kurds in Germany: The role of perceived injustice, collective efficacy, and online/offline participation. International Journal of Communication, 15, 23. 


  • Erdem-Möbius, H., OdaÄŸ, Ö. & Anders, Y. (2021). Socio-spatial segregation in school-society relational spaces from the perspectives of Turkish immigrant mothers: “Where are the Germans?”, Contemporary Social Science.


  • Theiss-Abendroth P. (2021). Sigmund Freud über traumatisch verursachte Psychosen. Psyche, 75(11), 1023-1052.


  • Theiss-Abendroth P. (2021). Die traumatische Psychose von 1888 bis 1945: von der Entschädigung zur Ermordung Betroffener. In A. Karenberg & K. Haack (eds.), Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Nervenheilkunde 27 (pp. 99-124). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.


  • Oertmann, J., Wolf, B. (2021), Soziale Dienstleistungen. WISU – Das Wirtschaftsstudium – Zeitschrift für Ausbildung, Prüfung, Berufseinstieg und Fortbildung, 02/2021, 161-163.

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